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15 Mind-Blowing Facts You’ve Never Heard Of;#5 will blow your mind

1)There's an insect that has gears .

2) It is predicted that the reason why night insects, such as moths, are attracted to lights is because they mistake them for the light of the moon, which they used to navigate the Earth before mankind made artificial lights.

3)Americans get 38hrs a year stuck in traffic.

4)10 percent of the entire world population is still illiterate

5)if you believe that you are truly one in a million,there are still approximately 7,184 more people out there just like you

6)Rat will eat almost anything,including the dead of their species

7)Donald duck comics was banned from Finland because he doesnt wear pants

8)Britain's smallest bird the fiercest weighs the same as a teaspoonful of sugar

9)Ten tons of space dust falls on the earth everyday

10)There's a planet where it rains glass, sideways .

11)Looking at stars is basically looking into the past, because of how long it takes the light from them to reach us.

12) Humans can't breathe and swallow at the same time.

13)Humans can distinguish between at least a trillion smells.

14)In Egypt,actors are not allowed to testify in court because they were seen as professional liars

15)Beaked whales can hold their breath for over two hours .


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